Our “Stay At Home” Diaries

Mrs Hegg is missing school cheese flan- Mr Hegg made it for her, it was delicious!!!

Mrs Iqbal’s has been busy baking some Blondies whilst staying home and staying safe to satisfy her Cup&Cake brownie cravings!



A Message from Mrs Kostick: Hello from Mrs Kostick


A message from Miss Roy


One of our students has been working very hard at home!


KS4 student working hard at home!


Working hard on life skills


A little assistance from the cat whilst learning at home


Mrs Foord has been teaching her dog new tricks whilst Staying Home and Staying Safe.



Mrs Hegg has been making rainbows whilst Staying Home and Staying Safe.




Mrs Darby has also been making rainbows whilst Staying Home and Staying Safe.



Miss Maylett and her son have also been busy creating a poster whilst Staying Home and Staying Safe.



Miss Fraser has been practising her baking whilst staying safe at home!





Mrs Darby has been busy baking whilst at home, you can find the recipe she used on our ‘Home Learning’ page.




Attention Class Hillary! I have rescued your sunflowers! I will keep them in my garden and photograph any growing progress! Look how much they’ve grown since you were last in!! Mrs Hegg



Whilst Staying Home and Staying Safe, Ms O’Shaughnessy has been busy sorting out her study. She found these drawings given to her on her first day at North Ridge. Does anyone recognise them?