Ben Nevis

Welcome to class Ben Nevis!


Our teacher is Ms Truscott and we have 2 teaching assistants. There are 11 pupils in our Key stage 4 class, we are a mix of year 10 and 11 pupils.


Information about what our pupils work towards and the learning they access:

In Key Stage 4 we are developing our ability to work independently and develop our skills for independent life. Our curriculum is broad and balanced giving us lots of opportunities to experience new and exciting topics.


In key stage 4 we are given the opportunity to complete accreditations which will help us to prepare for adulthood. This year in class Ben Nevis we will be completing our life skills challenge ASDAN, OCR maths, Duke of Edinburgh bronze award and the Arts Award. In Key Stage 4 we will also get opportunities for work experience either within our school or the local community to help us understand the world of work. We develop our knowledge and skills through a range of practical, ‘active’ and written based lessons. Our lessons use skills for life such as communication, self management, teamwork, self belief and problem solving which enables us to work together with our friends and staff to make sure that we are all supported and enjoy our lessons.


Take a look at our curriculum map to see what we are learning this term.

Class Updates