North Ridge is committed to providing an education of the highest quality for all its pupils and recognises this can only be achieved by supporting and promoting excellent school attendance for all. Attending school on a regular basis will give your child the opportunity to have friendship groups, improve social skills, have fun and feel included. Your child will learn new things and develop skills as well as increase their own confidence and self esteem. At North Ridge every pupil counts and every day counts only when pupils attend school regularly can they achieve their full potential.
By attending school regularly and punctually our children and young people are able to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. The whole school community – pupils, parents and carers, teaching and support staff and school governors – have a responsibility for ensuring good school attendance and have important roles to play.
As way to raise awareness to parents and students we send out a “traffic light letter” at the end of every term. This letter shows a students current percentage attendance.
If you feel you need some extra support then you can contact Early Help at Manchester City Council
Attendance and Punctuality Policy
Attendance Information Parents Leaflet
North Ridge School V1 Pupil Friendly Attendance Policy
North Ridge School V2 Pupil Friendly Attendance Policy
North Ridge 6th Form HUB V1 Pupil Friendly Attendance Policy
North Ridge 6th Form HUB V2 Pupil Friendly Attendance Policy
Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy
Examples of traffic light letters: