School Policies

Accessibility Policy

Administration of Medication Policy

Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy

Assessment Policy

Attendance and Punctuality Policy


Behaviour Policy

Breakfast Club Policy


Calm Room Guidance

CEIAG and WRL Policy

Charging Policy

Collective Worship Policy

Complaints Policy and Procedure


Data Protection Policy and Procedure

Dealing with Allegations of Abuse Policy

Designated Teacher Policy


Equality Policy

Exclusions Policy


First Aid Policy


Governor Allowances Policy

Grievance, Bullying and Harassment Policy and Procedure


Health and Safety Policy

Home School Agreement

Home Visits Policy

Homework Policy

Hydro Pool Policy


ICT and E-Safety Policy


Lesson Planning Policy


Manchester City Council Section 19 Policy

Mobile phone Policy


Parent, carer and visitors Code of Conduct on school premises Policy

Positive Handling Policy

Prevent Duty Policy

Provider Access Policy with Baker Clause


Relationships and Sex Education Policy


Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy- COVID-19

Safeguarding Policy- Peer on peer abuse

Safe Moving and Handling of Pupils with SEND Policy

Searching Pupils Policy

SEN Policy and Information Report

Social Media Policy and Guidance

Staff Wellbeing Policy

Student Privacy Notice

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy


Teaching and Learning Policy

Twitter Policy


Uniform Policy


Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure



If you require a paper copy of any of these policies please contact the school.


Useful Links