Parent/Carer Workshops:
Our next parent/carer workshop will be held on Friday 20th March 9:30-10:30am. This workshop will be looking at Health Support.
Our next parent/carer workshop will be held on Friday 20th March 9:30-10:30am. This workshop will be looking at Health Support.
The next parent/carer workshop will be looking at Transport. This will be held on Friday 6th March 9:30-10:30am. For more information please see flyer below: Transport-Parent/Carer workshop
The North Ridge High School Outreach Support Team is dedicated to supporting the needs of SEND secondary aged pupils in mainstream education in North Manchester. We assist and work collaboratively with our partner schools to support colleagues in meeting the needs of their pupils to provide an inclusive and supportive learning environment. We aim to […]
Please join us here at North Ridge High School for our regular parent and carers workshops. Led by school staff and professionals from outside agencies they aim to give you support and advice around a range of topics and issues. The next workshop will run on Friday 7th February 9:30-10:30am. In this workshop […]