Category Archives: School Showcase

Lunch Clubs

At North Ridge High School we offer lots of different lunch clubs which our pupils attend within their departments, these include:   Social club Corner ball Basket ball Film Football Relaxation Just dance   Our pupils choose at the start of each term which club they would like to attend during the second half of […]

Rights Respecting Schools

        Unicef UK Rights Respecting School Gold Award   Northridge High School aims to be a school where children’s rights are at the heart of our ethos and culture, to improve well-being and to develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential.  As part of this plan we are working […]

Big Tea Party

Here at North Ridge we host an annual “Big Tea Party” in order to consult with our staff, governors, students and their families about how well we are working as a school and what we can improve.   There are lots of ideas shared on the day and these ideas are taken forward into the […]

Student Council

The School Council is a democratic council, with elections taking place early in the Autumn term each academic year. Pupils who wish to be elected to the School Council are asked to create a poster identifying why they would make a good Councillor. All pupils participate in the election which is done by secret ballot; […]

Breakfast Club and After School Club

Breakfast Club   Breakfast Club is available to families who require support with an early school drop off.   Breakfast Club runs from 8:30 in the main school hall and provides a breakfast for students alongside sports, craft and social activities.   Letters for Breakfast Club applications are sent out twice a year.   After […]


Welcome to the NRG gym!   Here at North Ridge we believe that health and well being is extremely important for young people and adults. With this in mind we installed a state of the art fitness suite which was part funded by the Awards for All program from the National Lottery. This funding allowed […]

Business Enterprises

Our goal is to provide aspirational work experience and outstanding training to our students. Students develop a portfolio of desirable skills that are transferable to a wide range of employment opportunities.   Our Primary motive is to provide students the opportunity to move on to further supported employment, voluntary work or paid employment. These enterprises […]


At North Ridge High School we endeavor to provide our pupils with a safe environment to have fun. During February, Easter and Summer school holidays we run a play scheme that our children can attend for a small fee.   All of our children have the right to access play scheme, for us this means […]

Duke of Edinburgh

In KS4 pupils are given the opportunity to gain the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award. Pupils develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in four key areas; physical, skill, volunteering and expedition.  There are four sections to the bronze award which include: volunteering, physical, skills and expedition. This year the students will be taking part in […]