Dear Parents and Carers,
Coronavirus update for North Ridge Pupils
As you are aware, the government’s guidance on the coronavirus has changed in the last 24 hours and the decision has been made to close schools but provide a service to our more vulnerable pupils. We would like to reassure you that we are taking all of the necessary steps to protect our community and are continuing to follow official guidance from the government and Manchester local authority.
What is the current situation?
North Ridge will be providing the following and communicating with you to discuss your situation individually. Actions we are taking:
- Telephone call to any families where we feel pupils should be self- isolating for health reasons
- Telephone calls to families where we feel you may need us to offer a service where your child attends school- we will not be able to offer full time every day but will do our best to help
- If you are a key worker/ front line worker for any service please contact school and we will agree the child care arrangements with you.
- For those of you that want to self- isolate we will support with education packs for your children and activities on our website
- We will maintain contact with you by telephone on a daily basis to ensure you are coping and offer support if this is required.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require anything. We will publish telephone numbers and contact details. To summarise:
- The school remains open – this is the current official guidance we have been given- we will offer a reduced service to any vulnerable pupil/ family requiring this and will agree set times
- We will continue to regularly review advice and updates on a daily basis
- We will keep all parties informed of this latest guidance by posting this on our school website
- We will reinforce the importance of good hygiene with both staff, pupils and visitors, following NHS guidance at every opportunity, with guidance clearly displayed in the staffroom and staff and visitor areas around school.
- We are monitoring staffing levels on a daily basis to ensure that we are staffed to keep the school running effectively, and everyone kept safe. This could change on a daily basis
- We have enhanced cleaning and hygiene regimes around the school.
What we need you to do:
- If you’ve recently changed your contact details, please inform the school office as soon as possible
- If your child is unwell, report this as you would normally by ringing the school office
- Pupils should only attend if they are well – if a family member or your child has any of the following symptoms they should remain at home for 14 days: a new, continuous cough (this means that you have started to cough repeatedly) and/or a high temperature- feel hot to the touch on your chest or back
- Come and collect your child straight away, if we ask you to (we will contact you if they become ill with either a temperature or a new, continuous cough).
If you have any questions
Please consult the:
- School office, if you have any questions about our response to this issue on 01615079700
- NHS, if you want to know more about the symptoms of coronavirus. If you think you or your child may have the symptoms please look at the guidance on NHS 111 online.
- Department for Education’s coronavirus helpline: 0800 046 8687, if you have any questions about the government’s response to coronavirus in relation to schools
- Government’s travel advice, if you want to know whether any upcoming trip or holiday you’re taking abroad should go ahead.
It is a difficult and uncertain time and we know you are worried about the impact this might have on our community. Thank you to those of you that are co-operating with what is a very difficult situation across the country and world.
Yours sincerely,
Bernice Kostick
Head teacher